KOI 1573.01: O-C diagram and field of view

Errors in the prediction are at 2σ level.

Label Nr. Kepler ID RA (°) DEC (°) Kmag Angular sep. (')
1 5031583 19:47:09.319 +40:09:36.29 14.424 2.928
2 5032279 19:47:43.397 +40:08:03.41 14.494 3.892
3 4944558 19:47:33.410 +40:04:58.98 14.556 3.875
4 4944604 19:47:35.899 +40:05:15.94 14.283 3.914
5 4944636 19:47:37.505 +40:04:56.75 14.174 4.355
6 5119901 19:47:22.704 +40:12:31.64 13.787 4.211

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